Strategic Innovation Certification Exam

Welcome to your Strategic Innovation Certification Exam!

The exam contains 50 multiple choice questions that relate to different aspects of the GTI Strategic Innovation methodology. You are given 3 hours to complete the exam. Here are few important points.

– Please double check the spelling of your name (it will be used for the Certificate) and the email address.

– You MUST find the BEST answer in every question 

– While taking exam, you can always go back and change your answer.

– Upon completing the exam, click the “Submit” button. You will get confirmation email that will inform you how many answers are correct – to pass you must have 45 correct answers (90%).

– Do not hurry; you have plenty of time.

Thank you for studying hard; and GOOD LUCK! Respectfully yours, Greg Yezersky

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What is innovation?

From the strategic perspectives, what does corporate growth mean?

What is Strategic Innovation?

The competing companies have to financially grow …

The competing companies can’t sustain growth because…

The subject of the General Theory of Innovation (GTI) is

To identify the future of Customers’ needs, a Company must…

The Law of an Increasing Degree of Freedom states that

The most important benefit of using General Theory of Innovation for creating Strategic Innovations is…

The essence of every system is

In practical terms, the concept of a System is important because…

The Customer is defined as

Google and General Motors are competitors because…

Which of the following is not a major methodological principle for the Strategic Innovation methodology?

Why is creation of the best-in-class product/service required for achieving competitive advantage?

How many systems can you identify by looking at the United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia)?

Strategic Innovations cannot be created on the level of?

Value signifies

What is the purpose of the Phase 1 (Inquiry)?

Which procedure is not a part of the Phase 1 Inquiry?

Which of the Phase 1 tasks is most critical to the project success?

Which of the following parameters is not a component of the Value Proposition?

The Evolutionary Templates can be used during the Phase 1 Inquiry

The Phase 1 Inquiry is considered a success if…

The Generic Growth Strategies can be used during the Phase 1 Inquiry

The purpose of the Phase 2 Analysis is to…

The Value Map is complete if it contains the following elements

Which procedure/step is not a part of the Value Map building process?

A green hexagon on the diagram signifies

The Value Map…

Which of the following cannot be considered a recommended practice for building the Value Map model?

The purpose of the Phase 3 Discovery is to formulate problems based on analysis of the Value Map

How many Strategies are there in GTI for identifying the Right Problems?

Which of the following approaches to achieving the Lowest Price Leader status is detrimental to the pursuing company?

When analyzing a Value Map and identifying the Right Problems, which of the directions is less promising? 

What is the most important criterion for choosing a problem for subsequent analysis and solution?

By choosing a Negative Event, how many problem statements can be generated?

Which of the following is not a Generic Growth Strategy?

Which of the following is not a standard strategy for resolving a Conflict?

What is the right sequence of the process of solving problems in GTI?

What is the most important “Problem-Solution” Template?

The most efficient transition from ‘My Problem’ to ‘My Solution’ is the basis of GTI approach to solving problems

The purpose of the Method of Modelling with Miniature Men (4M) is to

In GTI, the key to effective problem solving is the ability to…

The primary purpose of the Phase 5 Development is…

Evolutionary forecasting enables identification of which offering (Value Proposition) will prevail

GTI distinguishes between the following classes of functions

There are X major ways to change the Coefficient of Freedom

There are X major ways to add a new function to an existing system and Y of them are recommended

The Supreme Function of any system is

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